Today I went out in the pouring rain to go and buy a highlighter. I was about to open my books for the first time and suddenly it hit me - "this will not work unless I acquire the perfect stationary first". 1 hour and $40 later as my pink highlighter glided perfectly across the page, and my purple ink pen neatly scribbled notes into my pristine new notebook, I knew that I had been right.
It took me 3 hours to read 10 pages and make half a page of notes - as I write this I realise how (and I'm struggling to find a pc way to say this) 'special' this makes me sound and how 'un-smart' I now feel.
Besides from gaining some fabulous new stationary, I learnt 2 things today: as soon as you decide to study, all of your friends (okay your mum and your morning car pool) will decide to call/text/email/fb - so turn off your phone! and...
"When we shift our attitudes, we can change our entire lives."
So I'm shifting - but I feel a little like I'm stopped at a light on an upward slope, it just turned green and I can't seem to get into first fast enough.