Hi, it's me - please don't hang up!
I know I owe you an explanation, an apology: I didn't realise how lucky I was to have you, I neglected you - took you for granted, assumed you'd always be there. And I'm sorry.
Rather than a lengthy list of (although completely true) hard to believe excuses, I'm going to stoop to bribery:
~ I've discovered the cure for hangovers! No, seriously.
Come on... you know you want to keep reading... just give me one more chance. Please!
Part of my time away from you was spent in the Uk, catching up with friends and family - and we all know that catching up is impossible without several glasses of wine or pints of beer.
Night #1 ~ the primary purpose of my trip was to attend my girlfriends wedding and my first night was spent with my girls at a Mehndi - part of the Hindu wedding tradition where all of the women get beautiful henna designs on their hands, and important to this antidote - there's an open bar. After dancing the night away I woke up fresh the next morning and jumped on a train home.
Night #2 ~ My sister and I, clearly being the smartest, sanest, least judgmental and I'll throw in modest members of our family, decided to solve all of my family's problems over several bottles of red wine... of course we neglected to write anything down so next time there will be more wine and more solutions.
Night #3 ~ Is entirely my brother's fault. I was planning on a nice quiet night, but my brother came home and dragged me kicking and screaming to the nearest bar. He force fed me drinks and I had no fun at all.
The next day I received a very mumbled phone call from my brother where all I could really decipher was "how the f*ck are you not hungover?!"
I realised that while everyone else I'd been drinking with had dealt with diabilitating hangovers the next day, I had been tired but not hungover. To be fair, my sister did manage to dress herself and make it to the couch to sleep all day. She looked half dead, my brother sounded half dead.
Rather than accepting defeat (my brother and I are not at all competitive), he declared "it must be how you're eating now" - my new lifestyle. This seemed completely logical, but I didn't actually realise how literally correct he had been until I did some reading and found that some of the supplements I've been taking for completely different reasons are actually warding off my hangovers.
Next blog (if we can kiss and make up now) I will fully go over supplements, what I take and what I recommend, but for now I will stick to the two you care about, the magic vitamin and mineral that combined kept me hangover free for nearly the whole 2 weeks.... on day 12 I did have to admit defeat.
Are you ready?
Magnesium taken with Thiamine (commonly known to us as Vitamin B1) are known to prevent hangover symptoms. I take a Vitamin B complex in the mornings and a Calcium & Magnesium supplement before bed.
So there you go - my secret has been shared. I no longer will be the only one well enough to go out and get coffee for everyone in the morning, or make everyone else breakfast, or clean up from the night before... man, I've been getting scr*wed here.
Am I forgiven? Come over here and give me a cuddle.
Thank you for following. This blog is updated monthly... Promise!